Microchipping FAQs

If you own a cat or a dog you may have heard about, the benefits of microchipping. If you have ever lost your pet, you know just how traumatic this experience is. Microchipping is a great way to prevent this from happening again. At Eaton Animal Den, we gave been sharing the benefits of microchipping with residents of Eaton, CO for many years. Following are answers to questions our veterinarian frequently receives regarding microchipping.

Microchipping FAQs

What Is Microchipping?

When a pet is microchipped, a small chip is implanted under the pet’s skin. This chip consists of your contact information and other important information. The information is uploaded before the chip is implanted in your pet’s skin. If your pet were ever to become lost, the information on the chip can be obtained by scanning the chip after your pet is brought to a vet's office or humane society.

Why is Microchipping Important?

Microchipping is so important because if your pet were to become lost or run away, their chances of being reunited with you are high. The only way for the chip to be read is by scanning it at a vet’s office or other proper location. All contact information will be retrieved once a special reader is used to obtain your information. If your pet is prone to running off, microchipping is extremely important.

Will My Pet Feel Pain during Microchipping?

No, your pet will not feel any pain during microchipping. They may experience mild discomfort when the chip is being implanted. However, it will dissipate quickly. The chip is inserted in the extra skin between your pet’s shoulder blades, so it cannot be scratched or bitten by your pet. . A tool that resembles a vaccination needle will be used for the procedure.

Should I Be Concerned About My Privacy via the Information That Is Accessible?

The contact information that you provide is the only information that can be accessed via the microchip registry. This is the information that will be used to contact you if your pet is found and the microchipped is scanned. Information such as your pet’s medical history will not be included as the microchip only reveals an identification number to be searched in a database.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Veterinarian in Eaton, CO

If you are interested in having your pet microchipped by a veterinarian, the veterinary professionals at Eaton Animal Den are ready to assist you. Call us today at (970) 454-1700 for more information on microchipping or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian. 

Office Hours


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8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
